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Posted: 10 Mar 2009, 07:00
hello all,
i want to put up some vbscripts that can allow you to edit the hull files for cars. i think this will allow you to modify how the car collides with the world, but i'm only guessing... ali suggested that the spheres are used for collisions, but i wonder what the edge data is used for?
anyway, what i want to know is if you would prefer:
a. a box pop up to ask where the hull file is each time
b. you put the hull file in the same dir, run the script, and it pumps out a txt file for direct editing
***you edit the text file as you please, then...***
a. a box pop up to ask where the text file is each time
b. you put the text file in the same dir, run the script, and it pumps out a hull file for use in RV
PS. I'd prefer b for both but that's just me!
PPS. here is the txt for the toyeca.hul to give you an idea of what i mean
Code: Select all
total 1
vertexs 12
edges 24
faces 14
bbox -30.768
bbox 30.768
bbox -12.104
bbox 12.104
bbox -61.966
bbox 61.966
unkcom 0.008
unkcom -24.229
unkcom 1.929
vertex-1-1 22.176
vertex-1-2 -36.323
vertex-1-3 -18.194
vertex-2-1 28.226
vertex-2-2 -12.214
vertex-2-3 -60.037
vertex-3-1 18.943
vertex-3-2 -28.994
vertex-3-3 -58.249
vertex-4-1 26.713
vertex-4-2 -22.706
vertex-4-3 46.303
vertex-5-1 30.776
vertex-5-2 -12.126
vertex-5-3 63.895
vertex-6-1 21.015
vertex-6-2 -35.95
vertex-6-3 4.508
vertex-7-1 -22.168
vertex-7-2 -36.333
vertex-7-3 -18.201
vertex-8-1 -28.231
vertex-8-2 -12.211
vertex-8-3 -60.03
vertex-9-1 -26.693
vertex-9-2 -22.709
vertex-9-3 46.305
vertex-10-1 -21.06
vertex-10-2 -35.953
vertex-10-3 4.509
vertex-11-1 -30.759
vertex-11-2 -12.126
vertex-11-3 63.894
vertex-12-1 -18.959
vertex-12-2 -28.979
vertex-12-3 -58.246
edge 0
edge 1
edge 1
edge 2
edge 0
edge 2
edge 0
edge 3
edge 1
edge 3
edge 3
edge 4
edge 1
edge 4
edge 3
edge 5
edge 0
edge 5
edge 6
edge 7
edge 7
edge 8
edge 6
edge 8
edge 6
edge 9
edge 8
edge 9
edge 7
edge 10
edge 8
edge 10
edge 6
edge 11
edge 7
edge 11
edge 2
edge 11
edge 1
edge 7
edge 0
edge 6
edge 5
edge 9
edge 3
edge 8
edge 4
edge 10
normal-1 0.857
normal-2 -0.491
normal-3 -0.159
distance -39.718
normal-1 0.965
normal-2 -0.263
normal-3 -0.012
distance -31.18
normal-1 0.944
normal-2 -0.33
normal-3 -0.019
distance -31.822
normal-1 0.847
normal-2 -0.529
normal-3 0.052
distance -37.045
normal-1 -0.965
normal-2 -0.263
normal-3 -0.012
distance -31.171
normal-1 -0.852
normal-2 -0.521
normal-3 0.05
distance -36.903
normal-1 -0.943
normal-2 -0.331
normal-3 -0.019
distance -31.818
normal-1 -0.857
normal-2 -0.491
normal-3 -0.159
distance -39.709
normal-1 0
normal-2 -0.106
normal-3 -0.994
distance -60.989
normal-1 0
normal-2 -0.984
normal-3 -0.181
distance -39.017
normal-1 0
normal-2 -1
normal-3 0.017
distance -36.022
normal-1 0
normal-2 -0.953
normal-3 0.302
distance -35.634
normal-1 0
normal-2 1
normal-3 -0.001
distance 12.171
normal-1 0
normal-2 -0.857
normal-3 0.516
distance -43.332
spheres 18
sphere 19.129
sphere -21.382
sphere -50.282
sphere 10.165
sphere 19.429
sphere -21.946
sphere 24.33
sphere 12.183
sphere 19.422
sphere -19.608
sphere 41.077
sphere 9.36
sphere 0.079
sphere -17.159
sphere 56.769
sphere 7.865
sphere 14.069
sphere -22.43
sphere 1.909
sphere 13.885
sphere -19.577
sphere -21.382
sphere -50.282
sphere 10.165
sphere -18.573
sphere -21.781
sphere -38.479
sphere 12.16
sphere -14.326
sphere -22.51
sphere -21.287
sphere 14.089
sphere -18.746
sphere -19.608
sphere 41.077
sphere 9.36
sphere -14.064
sphere -22.43
sphere 1.909
sphere 13.885
sphere 14.064
sphere -22.51
sphere -21.287
sphere 14.089
sphere 0.042
sphere -21.382
sphere -50.282
sphere 10.165
sphere 0.042
sphere -19.883
sphere 41.389
sphere 10.165
sphere -19.278
sphere -21.946
sphere 24.33
sphere 12.183
sphere 0.096
sphere -21.946
sphere 19.888
sphere 12.183
sphere -14.833
sphere -17.159
sphere 53.253
sphere 7.865
sphere 15.041
sphere -17.159
sphere 53.253
sphere 7.865
sphere 18.43
sphere -21.781
sphere -38.479
sphere 12.16
Posted: 11 Mar 2009, 03:52
That is... nutty... to say the least.
Very nutty.
Do whatever YOU prefer... but couldn't you use this knowledge to make a prm2hul? You know, use the information on all the polygon's dimensions in the prm and then convert them to a compatible hul, if that is even possible. srmalloy wanted to make a prm2hul but he just disappeared.
Posted: 11 Mar 2009, 07:02
To start, this is a great idea. I would also prefer option B in both cases, just to simplify things. Or perhaps make it work with a command prompt/batch file. Like Adam said, I think a prm2hul would be an excellent program, but hul2txt is a great start. Two thumbs up,
Posted: 11 Mar 2009, 14:07
Maybe ncp2hul is easier and could maybe be more usefull. I don't know if the hul file contain the same information as the ncp file (surface properties etc.), but if it did, then it would be much better to make a ncp2hul.
EDIT: Oh, and "Edge" might be the resistance the hull file has. But I dont know.
Posted: 11 Mar 2009, 17:57
ok i'll work on option b over the next few days and we'll see how it goes
i'll leave it up to you guys to tell me what changing the edges does vs. changing the size of the spheres
Posted: 11 Mar 2009, 19:21
SkindupTruk @ Mar 10 2009, 02:30 AM wrote: TXT to HULL
a. a box pop up to ask where the text file is each time
b. you put the text file in the same dir, run the script, and it pumps out a hull file for use in RV
I can't understand it, but I need of it. Can you tell it me better? (I'm Italian...)
Posted: 12 Mar 2009, 01:02
anything to do with hul editing, i want to know about.
Posted: 15 Mar 2009, 11:15
How's the project coming?
Posted: 15 Mar 2009, 17:09
Piereligio @ Mar 11 2009, 02:51 PM wrote: SkindupTruk @ Mar 10 2009, 02:30 AM wrote: TXT to HULL
a. a box pop up to ask where the text file is each time
b. you put the text file in the same dir, run the script, and it pumps out a hull file for use in RV
I can't understand it, but I need of it. Can you tell it me better? (I'm Italian...)
Uh, he's basically talking about a script he's going to work on.
You make a text file that has all that data (like the toyeca.txt one) and you compile it into a hul. You could edit the txt by hand and make your own huls.
Posted: 22 Mar 2009, 20:33
- save these 2 files to a new dir
- copy a hull.hul file to the same dir (must be called hull.hul)
- run hul2txt.vbs and check that hull.hul.txt was created
- edit hull.hul.txt and save (must be called hull.hul.txt)
- run txt2hul.vbs and check that hull.hul.out was created
- put this new .out file back into the car directory you got hull.hul from
- backup hull.hul to a new name or place, then delete it
- rename hull.hul.out to just hull.hul
- start revolt and check the effect of your edits!
for example, i did this to toyeca. i changed the radius of the first sphere:
OLD hull.hul.txt
Code: Select all
spheres 18
sphere 19.129
sphere -21.382
sphere -50.282
sphere 10.165
NEW hull.hul.txt
Code: Select all
spheres 18
sphere 19.129
sphere -21.382
sphere -50.282
sphere 50.165
when i loaded the new hull file, my toyeca had it's back wheels off the ground all the time. ie. the sphere is causing a collision with the track all the time.
so please try things out, and let me know how it goes as i don't have much time to figure out what each thing does. i guess that spheres are for full sim mode, and edges are for simple mode?
someone wanted a visual tutorial, i will try to animate the above list to show the exact steps soon.
urne, you are right that NCP are similar to HUL files in a way, as they both use some clipped plane data. but NCP does not have sphere or edge data like a HUL file has...
Posted: 22 Mar 2009, 22:00
I tried to open hul2txt.vbs, but I got an error:
Same happens with the other vbs file.

Posted: 22 Mar 2009, 23:54
Both programs work fine for me. No errors. Excellent! Now all we have to do is find out what everything means.

Posted: 23 Mar 2009, 01:21
Well, I've been playing with this for an hour or so now, and I know for sure that the spheres are only for world collision. The box I can't tell, but the edges I think are for collision with other objects. I've been playing with the ABC block. I think the boxes are for simple collisions. I would really like to know exactly how the normals work, I seem to have created some sort of glitches playing with it. hehe. Let me know if I'm wrong people, submit some test results.

Posted: 24 Mar 2009, 04:13
And now, after many more hours of 'playing' I have some information. My test object was the ABC Block. I discovered that all you really need for collision is the bbox, normals, and spheres.
BBox = not really sure why it's there. But you have to have some value set if you want the object to collide, even 0,0,0 0,0,0 works.
Normals = Collision with the car. Have to set up the six sides whatever distance from the center out.
Spheres = Collision with the world and other objects. x,y,x coordinates and the radius.
The spheres must keep the normals from touching the ground. If the normals extend further out than the spheres, there is a weird collision bug causing the objects/cars to bounce around when touching.
As far as saving space, the total vertex and edge numbers can be set to 0, and the vertex1-1.... and edge # can be removed. Like I said bbox can be set to all 0's. That's it for now. Later.
Posted: 24 Mar 2009, 17:14
wow this is a very nice tool
thanks a lot

Posted: 25 Mar 2009, 19:12
Small Code fix [it's totally optional]... it's about hull.hul and the output text path etc...
* hul2txt.vbs
Code: Select all
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
path = fso.getparentfoldername(fso.getabsolutepathname("blah"))
s = inputbox("Hul file?","Hull file please?","Hull.hul")
if s ="" then
msgbox "But..."& vbnewline &"it's empty"
exit sub
end if
ss =inputbox("Where to save the file?","TXT",s & ".txt")
if instr(1,ss,".txt",vbtextcompare) = 0 then ss = ss &".txt"
if ss =".txt" then
msgbox "But..."& vbnewline &"it's empty"
exit sub
end if
* txt2hul.vbs
Code: Select all
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
path = fso.getparentfoldername(fso.getabsolutepathname("blah"))
s = inputbox("txt file?","text file please?","Hull.hul.txt")
if s ="" then
msgbox "But..."& vbnewline &"it's empty"
exit sub
end if
ss =inputbox("Where to export HUL?","HUL",s & ".OUT")
if ss =".out" then
msgbox "But..."& vbnewline &"it's empty"
exit sub
end if
if you are not sure (

) what am I talking about maybe just download them from the server:
^^ and thanks again, SkindUpTruk, your tool is so far one of the best

Posted: 27 Mar 2009, 22:30
Here I'm presenting a GUI for HUL editor, it's a small effort compared to Skinduptruk's effort. All thanks go to SkindUp Truck

version: 1.1 beta
Download link
Mirror 1
(Dependies:Richtextbox and common dialog components)
Edit: Fixed link twice and added dependies file download
Posted: 17 Jul 2009, 05:23
download links dont work kay, try
Posted: 17 Jul 2009, 20:48
oh, I'm making a 3D hull editor right now

if you can't wait... I'll reupload it soon
Posted: 05 Aug 2009, 17:20
Hello guys
I was trying to understand what does that unknown vector
Code: Select all
unkcom 0.008
unkcom -24.229
unkcom 1.929
does ( using Re-Volt source code [RVDEV] and Ali's Hull Brakedown)
In fact, Ali has made a small mistake
that's the most important vector for a HULL.
in fact, here how does a hull (spheres+bbox) looks like (com:0,-24,1)
and here is UFO with the CoM almost (0,0,0)
so according to Re-Volt source, BBOX is
BBOX structure wrote:typedef struct {
REAL XMin, XMax;
REAL YMin, YMax;
REAL ZMin, ZMax;
General HULL structure wrote:typedef struct ConvexStruct{
INDEX NPts; // Number of points
INDEX NEdges; // Number of edges
INDEX NFaces; // Number of faces
BBOX BBox; // Axis-aligned tight bounding-box
VEC Offset; // Offset of bounding box from body's CoM
VERTEX *Pts; // collision skin corners (stored relative to body CoM)
EDGE *Edges; // array of 2 element arrays giving index of edge vertices
PLANE *Faces; // array of 4 element arrays giving indices of face corvers
so? what's the conclusion
the unkCom, or OFFSET Matrix is just a mirror-alike
regards, Falcon
Posted: 05 Aug 2009, 18:30
Hi KDL, nice to see you are still interested! It's lucky I saw this thread so quickly, I was just skimming thru tonite...
As for this code
Code: Select all
VEC Offset; // Offset of bounding box from body's CoM
I didn't see these comments before. From reading it just now, it appears to make sense that these numbers are a vector that gives you the distance from the BBOX to the COM or "Center Of Mass" of the actual car. ie. when you "lower" a car, you are lowering the COM to make it more responsive
COM on wiki
However I notice that the y value is negative, where I thought it might be positive given the BBOX will be under the car's COM, and that the y axis is defined to be positive downwards into the ground.
Therefore it might be the offset of the body's COM from the BBOX rather than vice versa as above? just guessing. try reducing this value and the car might get more responsive (like a lowered sportscar)??? increase it and it might get top heavy (like the ambulance from GTA3

) ???
Posted: 06 Aug 2009, 01:42
ah about CoM I found how does it work exactly
it's the com of BBOX as my last tests
thx SkindUpTruk
edit: the bbox is the one that need to be redimensioned
Posted: 07 Aug 2009, 01:01
From all the English-Encrypted language you are writing I understood the very good news in this. I appreciate that both of you is working on this and even though I understand 0 of just a cars parameter, I still am interrested in how .hul can be modified and how the differences appear as from .ncp
Continue the good work!
Posted: 17 Jan 2010, 03:02
Just a little update, I stumbled on ali/gabor varga's old website if anyone was interested. Here's a page featuring the Hul file description. Hope it helps,
Posted: 17 Jan 2010, 05:46
please delete this post of mine, it was off topic.