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Posted: 22 Feb 2009, 09:47
where i can get a 1207 patch that works fine and if somebody was capable of making the _inmm.dll work

Posted: 22 Feb 2009, 14:42
Well, i don't think there is more than 1 version of 1207. If you have bad experiences with it, you rather should try change it out with 1906 or 1.00 ;)

Posted: 22 Feb 2009, 19:18
um worked for me w/ 1207 patch. there is topic here somewhere i believe but i cannot find it.

Posted: 22 Feb 2009, 22:03
jaseaka @ Feb 22 2009, 02:48 PM wrote:um worked for me w/ 1207 patch. there is topic here somewhere i believe but i cannot find it.
hey from who to download original instances?

Posted: 22 Feb 2009, 22:04
1207 works me good even under Windows 7. No problems with it. Can you describe your problem?

Posted: 22 Feb 2009, 23:25
ADX @ Feb 22 2009, 01:34 PM wrote: 1207 works me good even under Windows 7. No problems with it. Can you describe your problem?
1: the sounds plays randomly when menu up/down, enter, etc.
2: when the car steers, it plays a random sound.
3: the zip file lacks files.

Posted: 22 Feb 2009, 23:44
Re-install Re-Volt your CD, and try again. Where did you get the patch from?

Posted: 23 Feb 2009, 00:22
urnemanden @ Feb 22 2009, 03:14 PM wrote: Re-install Re-Volt your CD, and try again. Where did you get the patch from?
from RVA

Posted: 23 Feb 2009, 01:44
Try download it from MM's site. I dont know, but that was what i did when i patched Re-Volt to 0916.

Posted: 23 Feb 2009, 02:47
I don't understand the 1207 flaming that goes on in the community... I use the patch and it works pretty darn fine for me.

If it is inferior it's negligible at best. Some people just rant about the quality of it and it is quite funny... I'm not really part of the "USE 0916 or SUFFFFFFFFAAAHHH!!1" crowd.

I've used the patch from RVA and from MM, they were both the same for me.

Posted: 05 Mar 2009, 23:31
miromiro @ Feb 22 2009, 12:33 PM wrote: hey from who to download original instances?
if you mean like original "from-the-game" instances, just take 'em out of their track's folder and put where you need it. works for me fine.
I don't understand the 1207 flaming that goes on in the community... I use the patch and it works pretty darn fine for me.
same here. :)