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Posted: 16 Feb 2009, 08:31
Ok everyone loves grass right.
No not that kinda grass. The grass on the track.
And dirt and mud and so on and so on.
I like grass to. But it kill the f.p.s.
So how duz skitch2 Mike get the killer f.p.s.?
Duz anyone know?
That is willing to share.
I dont get it.

Posted: 17 Feb 2009, 03:20
Killer Wheels
Avoid large area, one-mesh track, and make peace with visiboxes.
And try to ask yourself "How will I make that ?" before doing it, and "Why will I add this ?" before adding it.
In short : think before doing anything and delete ALL polys that aren't needed.
Posted: 17 Feb 2009, 05:03
Hi Killer Wheels.
Thanks for the help.
What do you mean large areas?
I think you are a master of re-volt.
Your help is needed here.
I could use it.

Posted: 17 Feb 2009, 05:45
Yea, sure KW is a great helper. He gave me alot of tips to my track too. I think he means that you should avoid large plane areas, like a 100 meter long flat garden of grass for example. Usually when i insert grass i only do it the places near rivers and areas with water near. Usually grass needs water to live u know

Posted: 18 Feb 2009, 23:20
Killer Wheels
When I say "large areas" I mean places where too much polygons can be viewed at the same time. That simple.
I'm actually writing some tuts but in French. I'll do my best to translate to English too.
Good luck

Posted: 19 Feb 2009, 04:09
sweet... maybe i'll do that if i ever have a decent computer again

Posted: 19 Feb 2009, 04:21
sweet... maybe i'll do that if i ever have a decent computer again
yeah, i still exist. suprised yet?
I hope your comming up with some new tracks soon too. And yes i am surprised that you still exist. Good you still are here
PD: Sry for the offtopic if it was.

Posted: 25 Feb 2009, 20:21
Dave-o-rama @ Feb 18 2009, 11:39 PM wrote:yeah, i still exist. suprised yet?
Yeah,when was the last time you uploaded a track?
Look at my new tracks Dave,i'm about 10x better.
I'm also making a Nhood track right now,and it's almost done!
And Asphalt Rally will be uploaded tomorrow.