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Posted: 08 Dec 2004, 22:22
Okay, got the game, playing all the time, dn.loaded more tracks, I am addicted.
Now, where can I go to play other Revolters??
Your feedback will be appreciated
Posted: 10 Dec 2004, 20:12
Hi there
we play online in
Hope to race you soon
Posted: 17 Jan 2005, 20:25
Is there no a monthly fee for GameSpy??
Is there other sites to race On-Line ??
Inquisitive minds need to know

Posted: 18 Jan 2005, 17:59
you dont have to pay for the use of gamespy, just download the add suported version. and if you dont like the adds there are some tricks for disable them.
in the past we raced in mzn gaming zone, but they closed the re-volt room, so most of us moved to gamespy. There is also some french site, and a korean site, but if you aren`t korean you never get in the right page.
korean site