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Posted: 18 Jan 2009, 10:59
I've noticed that if I replace a stock track with a custom track, when I try to run Time Trial on these tracks it crashes my version of Re-Volt. It works just fine in Practice mode, though. Is there something that I have to add to the tracks in order for them to work right in Time Trial?
Posted: 09 Feb 2015, 01:38
My answer to this very old inquiry is that you may need to set up Time Trial triggers if none exist.
I would like to ask if it could be possible to automatically select any custom track for time trial races with the new RV1.2 ? with out having to hijack a stock folder.
Also, even with normal settings, is it possible to set up split times of individual sections of a track rather than just start to finish, I know you get split times at different points of the lap from the start position to the current position of the split time, but I want to know if it's possible to get a comparison between 2 split time points along the lap from previous or best lap ?
Does that make sense ?

Posted: 09 Feb 2015, 08:55
Manmountain Time Trial in custom tracks was already added in 2011.
Alpha 11.0625
Add [General]
- Command lines: -nowinkey.
- Show Ghost Car in Time Trial, new option in Game Settings.
- Added missing / broken support for per-face Env color for World
polygons. Vertices sharing faces with different Env colors will
use the average of both colors.
- Show camera Look and Pos values for level inf file (RShift + F9).
Mod [General]
- User tracks are selectable in Time Trial mode.
I've no idea about your 2nd question, only that it's not added yet.
Posted: 09 Feb 2015, 21:42
Phantom @ Feb 9 2015, 04:25 AM wrote:Manmountain Time Trial in custom tracks was already added in 2011.
Alpha 11.0625
I've no idea about your 2nd question, only that it's not added yet.
Sorry, I've been very infrequent at ORP and with RV in general for a long time, and like hell am I reading through all the
Revolt 1.2 update thread. So thanks for that.
My other question is because the start point is the basic split time for each lap, along some tracks there are
split triggers, and these triggers have flag low & flag high settings.
The flag low seems to relate to the obvious next split in turn.
So I was wondering whether the flag high could be used to start a sectioned split time ?
Anyone any theory's on this ?
Posted: 10 Feb 2015, 02:09
As far as I can tell (by looking at the source code) the high flag for split time triggers isn't actually used by the game.
With that being said, the game will ignore the split time entirely if the high flag is set to a non-zero value since high and low flag aren't treated separately in the source for split time triggers (btw, I would consider this a bug).
However if its really not used by the game (never hurts to have confirmation from more than one source

) it should be possible to implement some kind of feature like this in a future patch without having to watch out for compatibility issues with older versions.
Posted: 11 Feb 2015, 07:37
lol, next thing we'll see is best time trial for individual portions of each track

"Jesus said: “If someone in authority compels you into service for a mile, go with him two miles.” (Matthew 5:41) How might you apply the principle behind those words to your own work? Rather than simply doing the minimum, look for ways to do more than is required. Set personal goals; challenge yourself to do your work better or faster than expected".
I can see you want to run faster

Posted: 11 Feb 2015, 17:38
revolting @ Feb 11 2015, 03:07 AM wrote:lol, next thing we'll see is best time trial for individual portions of each track

"Jesus said: “If someone in authority compels you into service for a mile, go with him two miles.” (Matthew 5:41) How might you apply the principle behind those words to your own work? Rather than simply doing the minimum, look for ways to do more than is required. Set personal goals; challenge yourself to do your work better or faster than expected".
I can see you want to run faster

WTF are you on ?
If you have ever tried my
AI Project track you would see that this would be a useful idea. Some other tracks also have sections which can be hard to master first time, and knowing if through that section your times improved might be helpful.
Posted: 16 Feb 2015, 22:24
Yo MM, what IS your best time (pro class) around AI Test Track (Btw, that's one of my favorites still) Let's say with Cougar or Toyeca.
(I run it a lot with Custom cars)
Posted: 17 Feb 2015, 02:29
gel_lr34 @ 16 Feb 2015, 05:54 PM wrote:Yo MM, what IS your best time (pro class) around AI Test Track (Btw, that's one of my favorites still) Let's say with Cougar or Toyeca.
(I run it a lot with Custom cars)
Check out my website
Re-Volt Motorsports - TTTT
AI Project is my 'go to' track with every new car I try, it makes it easy to tell which other tracks the car would be suited to or not.

Posted: 18 Feb 2015, 07:32
It shows that kipy is still the best (until his demise)
totally agree with you in adding the split feature for certain sections of the track, not only will it help us to improve our times but also will make the game look more of affluent people