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Posted: 04 Dec 2008, 00:21
So, the way I understand it, any instances placed far enough out will not have any density, so if I create track pieces that are too far out, then the cars end up falling through the track. But how do I know how far out those track pieces can be placed? Does it change? I tried placing a few track pieces outside of a 2x lego track, and I find that they can be driven on for maybe 3-4 track pieces length past the edge of the map, and then the cars fall through. I don't understand how you're supposed to know how far you can go.
Can someone explain this to me?
Posted: 04 Dec 2008, 00:37
um if u use rvglue to glue the instances into the world file. the pieces should be solid afterwards. ... aq.html#q9
from the online tutorial
Posted: 04 Dec 2008, 00:43
yeah i had that problem before but i never really cared to figure out why.
Posted: 04 Dec 2008, 00:59
Use an empty .w file instead of a legotrack w-file. That will fix ur problems

Posted: 04 Dec 2008, 01:59
And where do I get an empty .w file? And how do you avoid the "empty ncp file" problems that RVglue's FAQ speaks of?
Posted: 04 Dec 2008, 04:38
jaseaka ...
Title: Empty World File
Author: AntiMorph
Unzip to: nhood1 (Replaces nhood1)
Size: 4.29 Kb
Description: This is a blank template W file for you to use to create your all-instance track in.
*copied and paste from rva site
Posted: 04 Dec 2008, 05:53
ooh aeon got an avatar change

looks cool
anyway, that empty world file will come in handy.... once i get off my lazy bottom and make a track

thanks jess
Posted: 04 Dec 2008, 13:59
jaseaka @ Dec 3 2008, 03:08 PM wrote: Description: This is a blank template W file for you to use to create your all-instance track in.
So what happens to instances placed way out on this blank track? Do I have to merge them with the world file using RVglue in order for them to be dense? Or can I make a straight line on out into infinity (within reason) without things getting messed up?
I really don't want to piece together a bunch of track pieces only to find that, due to some technical difficulty, I've done nothing but waste my time - as often happens with Re-Volt.
Posted: 04 Dec 2008, 17:16
um...somewhere online it says that the non solid prms wouldn't be a issue if u start out by using the empty W file.
but if u start out by using a track editor lego and adding and deleting things, then there would be issue of pieces not being solid if they are too far from the original lego track.
um. said it somewhere, i dont remember exactly
Posted: 05 Dec 2008, 09:14
I don't know about a blank W file, but I do know that instances must be over a solid W surface in order to be solid themselves. If you put together a track and still have trouble making it solid, anyone with Max(or like program) can make a massive, transparent, single polygon W file for you to stick into the track.
Posted: 05 Dec 2008, 14:48
zagames @ Dec 4 2008, 07:44 PM wrote: anyone with Max(or like program) can make a massive, transparent, single polygon W file for you to stick into the track.
If its a common need, why isn't there one available somewhere already?
Posted: 06 Dec 2008, 03:24
um. hil will create one
Posted: 06 Dec 2008, 11:20
Empty World - by hil
He is a nhood1 track folder that prms (with their matching .ncp files)
can be inserted and will be solid without rvGlue being needed to glue
them into the .w file.
I has several invisible things in the .w file so unglued prms will
be solid.
It should be large enough for very large tracks.
Backup your orginal nhood1 folder first, then place this folder into
the level folder and rename the folder from nhood1_empty to nhood1.
Edit in Time Trial mode (adjust the AI line
in Single Player mode, of course).
Do not build on the start_grid.prm, just start building near it.
It is just something for the car to sit on. You may delete it later
so it does not show in the track.
Not fully tested, but it should work.
Get it here:
Posted: 07 Dec 2008, 13:53
Cool, thanks.