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Posted: 04 Nov 2008, 21:10
Hello there!
I would like to see more things happening in this community, so i was thinking of starting a contest. Many people can create 3D cars, models and textures/repaints, and i hope that all will join and have some fun
First of all i need suggestions of what kind of 3D model it should be. Vegetation, Buildings, etc, but of course it should not be too hard like Animals or humans.
Another thing is that the 3D models
have to be lowpoly, wich means, that you can't just make a building with 40000 polygons and post it.
You can do teams together, but please prepare that we might expect more from you since you are 2 persons
Now, i hope you give some suggestions to this contest, because i am sure it would be fun for all. After finding out what category we are going to use, we could start another topic and begin the contest. I am not sure how long time we should use on it, but of course not more than 1 month.

Posted: 05 Nov 2008, 01:15
Filipe Monteiro
This is actually a good idea! I've got a few 3D basics and can create some pretty cool stuff.
I'm probably in.
Posted: 05 Nov 2008, 01:38
Great and useful idea.

I would suggest setting some parameter limitations, like you say low poly, how low, 2000 or lower ?
The overall model size needs to be practical.
As to the specific model type, I say anything as long as it has more than a single life use.
Time scale for submissions, for Christmas ?
Depending on amount of submissions, judging can be via a community poll which I would gladly setup.

Posted: 05 Nov 2008, 02:40
Manmountain @ Nov 4 2008, 09:08 PM wrote: Great and useful idea.

I would suggest setting some parameter limitations, like you say low poly, how low, 2000 or lower ?
The overall model size needs to be practical.
As to the specific model type, I say anything as long as it has more than a single life use.
Time scale for submissions, for Christmas ?
Depending on amount of submissions, judging can be via a community poll which I would gladly setup.
Low poly depends on what model it is. Let's say you are creating a tree. Lowpoly would probaly then be about 100-350 polygons. But maybe houses is much more polygons. So for the first thing, we might find out what category people would like to make things in. Ex. I would like to suggest a vegetation contest
A community poll could be good, but as you said, it depends on how many people who joins this

Posted: 05 Nov 2008, 03:24
im up for it, ill be happy to do this...
Posted: 05 Nov 2008, 07:01
And, we should have multiple voting on different types of models. Like:
(bring me a) shrubbery
And the list goes on, but give them something to shoot for and a deadline.
Posted: 05 Nov 2008, 15:23
cool idea
Posted: 06 Nov 2008, 02:50
No, no, no!
It doesn't matter what type/category of model, just as long as it is something that can be used more than once and look good in several genre of tracks.
I seriously doubt that there will that many entrants that we need to divide them into individual categories.
Posted: 06 Nov 2008, 09:29
Ok. I shall have the beginnings of a kit uploaded in the next couple days.

Posted: 06 Nov 2008, 17:01
well, this counts me out. i can only create boxes and plains...i did made a small fence w/ the cylinder shape...i'll submit something...abstract!
Posted: 07 Nov 2008, 20:29
Just the thing that if you try would be great jase!
When do should we start this?
Posted: 08 Nov 2008, 06:01
i saw this in an ad at the bottom of this page while i was reading this thread maybe somerich person in revolt will cheat and use that
Posted: 08 Nov 2008, 13:30
I dont think people got money for that
And just another thing. What do you think about this:
- People must not use textures from the Re-Volt stock tracks or other games.
- All 3D models, must be in either .3ds / .max & prm format.
Posted: 08 Nov 2008, 17:47
ok. im making a castle! and no one else can make one, so i'll have the best looking castle in this contest! i've already started!
Posted: 09 Nov 2008, 09:43

Here is my entry only 408 polygons.
It is a model of a railway buiding here in West Aussie.
I made this building myself in 3ds max 9.
Posted: 09 Nov 2008, 13:09
Good Work BurnRubr! Did you also make the texture yourself?

Posted: 09 Nov 2008, 14:29
looks nice - good work
Posted: 09 Nov 2008, 15:40
NO I did not do the textures.
They were done by someone else in the Trainz community.
Posted: 10 Nov 2008, 14:17
BurnRubr wrote:NO I did not do the textures.
They were done by someone else in the Trainz community.
I was not offending your work.

Was just asking

Posted: 14 Nov 2008, 19:52
Ok, i will suggest for now, that people begin/finish their models. Because i think it would be a good time to close this post the
1st December and begin voting on the models people made.
When you submit your model, please post a picture of your 3D model and your texture.
Here is an
Palmtree - 120 Polygons
Texture Sheet

By urnemanden
This is only the basic of the template to post, so you are free to post a description, how long time it took you to make, and all other infomation you would like to share with us.
I don't recommend you to use the textures from Re-Volt stock tracks. Would be boring to look at the same textures - and also, this is a 3D model
& texture contest.

Posted: 15 Nov 2008, 04:34
Ok, I'll try to have mine done by the 1st. P.S - it's 12.07(99 I think(a date)) not 1.207.

Posted: 22 Nov 2008, 11:31
Okay. I see no one really has posted any new models yet, even though theres only 1 and a half week left for the voting. But i guess there will be more incomming in this week then.
Anyways. Here is my 3d model:
Turn Sign - 100 Polygons
Description: At the start i was going to make a banana palmtree, but then i made this one for zipperrulez new track instead, and thought that i did a pretty good work. The track you see is a repaint of zipperrulez track.
How: I made the model mainly with Zmodeler 1.07b, but i used 3ds max 8 to create the box primitive. I imported the turn.prm into Zmodeler and then i started modeling.
The texture: The texture is made 100% with Paint.NET. I got help from the official foru to make it look rough and more realistic. Here is a look of the texture.
By Urnemanden
PS: the model will be downloadable on my website soon!

Posted: 30 Nov 2008, 04:28
Camper Model:
-306 polygons including the wheels (114 body, 192 tires)
-2 hours of work including texture sheet
-Entirely original
-Modeled in 3DS Max
-Texture by MS Paint

And here is my glorious(lol) texture:

Posted: 30 Nov 2008, 16:05
very nice work
Posted: 30 Nov 2008, 16:15
Yea, that's a pretty cool camper you got there
3 submissions now. Remember that this day is the last day to submit.
Posted: 01 Dec 2008, 03:50
hi there, heres my model...guess what
...its a car lol
mapped to 1/4 of the bmp, all textures by me, and 530 poly...

Posted: 01 Dec 2008, 03:57
MOH @ Nov 30 2008, 07:20 PM wrote: hi there, heres my model...guess what
...its a car lol
mapped to 1/4 of the bmp, all textures by me, and 530 poly...
Nice hatchback!
Posted: 01 Dec 2008, 07:27
i was too lazy to make anything

Posted: 01 Dec 2008, 23:30
I suggest the moderator/Admin to lock this post now. then i'll begin a new topic, so people can vote.