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Posted: 16 Oct 2008, 15:07

This is my modified version of Indagodan, with a much more effective AI. I decided to try a starting line trick that I've been pondering for a while, where you effectively divide the starting car positions between two separate AI lines. The cars on the left can choose between the left main path or the overtake path, and the cars on the right can choose either the right main path or the right overtake path. That gives the AI four possible routes to drive at the very beginning, and gives them a better chance of not crashing into each other, since I've noticed that is a common problem with Re-Volt AI: cars crashing into each other at the very beginning.

Does anyone else have any thoughts on this idea? I think it works pretty well so far.

Posted: 16 Oct 2008, 20:20
I have done this on a few of my AI test projects over the years.
Not always easy to implemt depnding on the first Node position, sometimes they still all take one AI route until they come arond to finish the first lap. As one set of AI nodes seems to have the priority from the starting position.
I would suggest that you use the AI Node walls (pink & blue) to help keep the cars within there AI lane.

Posted: 17 Oct 2008, 21:03
I've tried this, I found that you can only have 1 effective start node and all the cars follow the line that has it.

Until, as MM says, the cars start their 2nd lap.


Posted: 18 Oct 2008, 03:39
This photo seems to be taken just before the race begins.
Does the yellow car in the first row stay on the racing line
it begins on, or does it move to the other racing line?
I recall trying this, but it seems only one AI node can
be the starting line, but if that yellow car stays on the line it
starts on it is a great idea
The start line node will have the distance number as 0.
If both lines have their nodes exactly parallel, with distance numbers
at 0 it might work.

Posted: 18 Oct 2008, 10:27
Here's a picture of some equal cars (so they don't crash into each other) accelerating just after the start:

Although one thing that bothers me here is that the AI setup for those cars is:

Code: Select all

PickupBias      0
BlockBias      	0
OvertakeBias    0
Suspension      0
Aggression      0

Posted: 18 Oct 2008, 21:17
What you've done Aeon, is to start the cars well before the start node - maybe this affects which line the cars follow.

Certainly worth trying to replicate.


Posted: 19 Oct 2008, 05:31
GWC @ Oct 18 2008, 07:47 AM wrote: What you've done Aeon, is to start the cars well before the start node - maybe this affects which line the cars follow.
I always do that anyway because otherwise the cars will all rush toward the center where the start node is and crash into each other. Putting it further off will cause the AI to drive a straight line to the start node, giving the faster cars a moment to separate from the pack before things get chaotic.