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Posted: 07 Oct 2008, 16:48
I'd like to know where to find the track kit and all the pieces used in the track Indagodan. That's one of my favorite tracks to race and, since no one else seems to be, I'd like to take a shot at creating more tracks like it, but I really don't know how to create kit-based extreme tracks, so a few pointers would be nice.
Posted: 07 Oct 2008, 17:02
not sure exactly what you mean, but there isnt a kit for indagodan its build in 3ds max
Posted: 07 Oct 2008, 18:33
Crone is correct. Indagodan, is not just a track you just build from instances. Most of it has been made in 3ds max, and only a little piece of the world file is instances.

Posted: 07 Oct 2008, 19:35
Really? Rats! I thought there was a kit floating around somewhere for rally tracks like that.
Well, if its not a kit, it should be.
So how about this "offroad kit" mentioned in the readme for it, what does that include?
Posted: 07 Oct 2008, 22:43
Download it and see, too much stuff to explain

Posted: 08 Oct 2008, 00:35
Is it possible to make a track fully from 3dsmax (and ase convertion tools) without using rvglue or other programs?
Posted: 08 Oct 2008, 01:02
Aeon @ Oct 7 2008, 03:05 PM wrote:So how about this "offroad kit" mentioned in the readme for it, what does that include?
It is a collection of simple square pieces, some have slight curvature, all mapped to a few bitmaps, with a dirt/mud texture graphic.
Also included are some scenic pieces such as rocks, jumps and spectator stands.
You carefully place them together and run it through RV-Glue to give it a dirt or mud surface property.
A good example is TheMeandMe's
Dirt Valley
But, you don't have to use it as just a dirt track, a few graphic changes and a different suface property and there a whole new track.
Example :
Hades -
RickyD -
Ice Cave
Posted: 08 Oct 2008, 03:17
@ Huki - The only programs I use are 3DS Max, MAKEITGOOD, ASE2W/PRM, and MS Paint/Photoshop. No RV-Glue unless I want to steal someone else's work