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Posted: 06 Oct 2008, 02:41
So piN Junior has got me to show him how to do conversions, easy I said

So I install 1.06f (latest I have) do all the pre conversion stuff, go to save and CTD happens no matter what I try.
If I remeber correctly ZMod works fine on XP?? or am I missing a trick here?
hehe.... there will be a few conversions posted on RVZT if I can get this working.
Posted: 06 Oct 2008, 04:21
piN @ Oct 5 2008, 10:11 PM wrote: So piN Junior has got me to show him how to do conversions, easy I said

So I install 1.06f (latest I have) do all the pre conversion stuff, go to save and CTD happens no matter what I try.
If I remeber correctly ZMod works fine on XP?? or am I missing a trick here?
hehe.... there will be a few conversions posted on RVZT if I can get this working.
I use ZModeler 1.07b, available here:
It can be unstable, but look at how many cars I have converted!
I run XP SP2.
Don't set a compatibility mode on it, that seemingly makes it worse for me, and I'm glad to hear this if you get it working properly.
Posted: 06 Oct 2008, 05:35
Adamodell @ Oct 5 2008, 11:51 PM wrote:
It can be unstable, but look at how many cars I have converted!
I run XP SP2.
i have SP1....but i really need sp2 to run allot of programs...where can i upgrade to it.....may you show link
Posted: 06 Oct 2008, 07:48
Using Z-mod 107.b on XP with no service packs, and it can be unstable too. I wonder if Z-mod2 would be any better, or worth the money?
Posted: 06 Oct 2008, 07:49
revolt_randy @ Oct 6 2008, 03:18 AM wrote: Using Z-mod 107.b on XP with no service packs, and it can be unstable too. I wonder if Z-mod2 would be any better, or worth the money?
I use ZMod 2 for some things, but it don't have a prm exporter, so ha.
Posted: 06 Oct 2008, 17:45
Thanks for the tips, I will look at that version, I am on SP3 so I winder if that is the problem.
Posted: 07 Oct 2008, 14:52
I contacted Oleg about it. He didnt really say much on how to make the problem fade abit. I have made a way to get round the crashing.
- Open the model you want to convert
- Delete the dummies with the VIV Editor/Carcad.
- When done, Import the model
- Export as .3Ds
- Reimport less crashing ftw!
It works fine for me, I hope it works well for you piN.
Posted: 09 Oct 2008, 14:41
Filipe Monteiro
Too bad I can't get the hull files onto Cinema 4D. Can anyone get me the hull file of Cougar in a 3DS Max project file?
Posted: 12 Oct 2008, 08:03
umm....just a comment....
I use ZMod 2 for some things, but it don't have a prm exporter, so ha.
and then there is this quote...
You do know that you can export as old Z3d, open in the old-skool ZMod, and then export, correct? You can still use some more advanced ZM2 functions that way.
When I first started looking into modeling cars for re-volt, I looked into ZMod 2, and found that workaround to make cars for re-volt. But I figured I would try ZMod 1.07 first. It's not really a great program, so I won't be buying ZMod2, it was just a suggestion.
Filipe, I think you might be thinking about the wrong file here. The .prm files contain the meshes you model in a program like cinema4d, the body and wheels for the car. The .hul files contain information about the size of the car, it's used by re-volt to detect collisions of the cars with other objects, (walls, pickups, other cars, etc) in the game.
Posted: 12 Oct 2008, 08:13
revolt_randy @ Oct 12 2008, 03:33 AM wrote: umm....just a comment....
I use ZMod 2 for some things, but it don't have a prm exporter, so ha.
and then there is this quote...
You do know that you can export as old Z3d, open in the old-skool ZMod, and then export, correct? You can still use some more advanced ZM2 functions that way.
When I first started looking into modeling cars for re-volt, I looked into ZMod 2, and found that workaround to make cars for re-volt. But I figured I would try ZMod 1.07 first. It's not really a great program, so I won't be buying ZMod2, it was just a suggestion.
Filipe, I think you might be thinking about the wrong file here. The .prm files contain the meshes you model in a program like cinema4d, the body and wheels for the car. The .hul files contain information about the size of the car, it's used by re-volt to detect collisions of the cars with other objects, (walls, pickups, other cars, etc) in the game.
I bet you didn't know I knew all that did you? LOL
And of course you can do ZMod2 to ZMod1 to Re-Volt. It works great.
Posted: 12 Oct 2008, 15:03
Does Zmodeler 2 export to .ASE?
Posted: 12 Oct 2008, 17:44
urnemanden @ Oct 12 2008, 10:33 AM wrote: Does Zmodeler 2 export to .ASE?
I don't think so.
Posted: 12 Oct 2008, 22:30
Just to clarify, so this thread can be really usefull for future reference, which versions of Zmodler work best (or is more stable) with which OS ?
And, does someone have a link to these versions or at least have them that they could email me with and I could host them on my Tool Shed page ?
Posted: 12 Oct 2008, 22:32
All i can say is that Zmodeler 1.07b works great on Windows Vista Home Basic 64bit Edition.
I think it still are downloadable from the creators website.
Posted: 12 Oct 2008, 22:56
Manmountain @ Oct 12 2008, 06:00 PM wrote: Just to clarify, so this thread can be really usefull for future reference, which versions of Zmodler work best (or is more stable) with which OS ?
And, does someone have a link to these versions or at least have them that they could email me with and I could host them on my Tool Shed page ?
from what I was able to try, 1.07b is the most stable one on XP.
1.06f crashes all the time for me.
All of them are most stable on 98, for sure, since that was the operating system the program was designed for.
You can get 1.07b easily enough right at the downloads section of this page:
Robenue somehow found the 1.06f version, which is pretty hard to find now, it's still on his old server, right here:
Someone needs to archive up every version, since only 1.07b is easy to find.
Posted: 13 Oct 2008, 01:01
OK, good.
Not to sound as though I don't believe you Adam, but can others confirm or comment on their experiences with Zmodler ?
Posted: 13 Oct 2008, 06:47
Adamodell....yea...I knew you knew that stuff, both quotes were yours....
Manmountain...I am running windows xp with no service packs installed and zmod1.07 and here is what I have noticed....Sometimes in the 3d window of zmod when viewing the mesh in both wire frame and textured and rotating the mesh, the wire frame portion rotates erratically compared to the textured portion. Adjusting normals is a nightmare, scale back the normals on a mesh and let go of the mouse button and there is a 50/50 chance they will stay where you scaled them, or revert back to their original length. It also seems to me that the gismo method of adjusting normals behaves erratically as well. On the plus side, zmod is very stable and doesn't crash. I cannot comment on how it works in vista, I can't even find anyone with good comments about vista, so I haven't upgraded.
Posted: 13 Oct 2008, 08:43
revolt_randy @ Oct 13 2008, 02:17 AM wrote: Adamodell....yea...I knew you knew that stuff, both quotes were yours....
Manmountain...I am running windows xp with no service packs installed and zmod1.07 and here is what I have noticed....Sometimes in the 3d window of zmod when viewing the mesh in both wire frame and textured and rotating the mesh, the wire frame portion rotates erratically compared to the textured portion. Adjusting normals is a nightmare, scale back the normals on a mesh and let go of the mouse button and there is a 50/50 chance they will stay where you scaled them, or revert back to their original length. It also seems to me that the gismo method of adjusting normals behaves erratically as well. On the plus side, zmod is very stable and doesn't crash. I cannot comment on how it works in vista, I can't even find anyone with good comments about vista, so I haven't upgraded.
I had a stupid moment.
Posted: 13 Oct 2008, 12:07
Adjusting normals is a nightmare, scale back the normals on a mesh and let go of the mouse button and there is a 50/50 chance they will stay where you scaled them, or revert back to their original length.
Yea, i know that and i have a solution for it. Let's say you have 4 windows (Front, UV Mapping, Top, 3D) and you want to scale your mesh in the Y axis. by doing this in the Front window, you will get the 50/50 chance to make it go the right way you want. But try scale it in the Top window (were you can't see that you scale it) and then you will see in the Front Window, that it scales the right way with no problems.

Posted: 20 Oct 2008, 06:46
Urne, if I may call you Urne...
Interesting work around for ZMod, will keep it in mind the next time I am into normals with ZMod. Been busy playing around with Blender3D the past few weeks....but thanks for the tip.

Posted: 20 Oct 2008, 18:15
yea, just call me Urne
Interesting work around for ZMod, will keep it in mind the next time I am into normals with ZMod. Been busy playing around with Blender3D the past few weeks....but thanks for the tip.
You are welcome. I tried Blender but i couldn't really understand how to work with it, so i am trying out Gmax instead.

Posted: 21 Oct 2008, 15:38
Why don't you try 3ds max?
use a previous version and try it

Posted: 26 Oct 2008, 05:48
KDL @ Oct 21 2008, 11:08 AM wrote: Why don't you try 3ds max?
use a previous version and try it
Because some of us take pride in using freeware, and not pirated software.
That's like me saying I use Paint.NET, and you saying "Why don't you use Photoshop?"
I've never ever ever used PS for anything Re-Volt related, and I've only laid hands on PS at school. I understand Paint.NET better, can be more productive in it, and don't have any guilt by using pirated software. Of course, I won't lie. I have pirated things. Music mainly. I'm going to uninstall Max 5 because I don't need it.