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Posted: 28 Sep 2008, 21:34
Cant post in the online section so I will post here
Are there any cups or leagues running at the moment? I have had a look around and the two sites I have checked are way out of date, or is it just me??
Posted: 28 Sep 2008, 22:25
piN @ Sep 28 2008, 05:04 PM wrote: Are there any cups or leagues running at the moment? I have had a look around and the two sites I have checked are way out of date, or is it just me??
Id like to know this aswell

Posted: 28 Sep 2008, 23:13
Perhaps the admins could start a thread showing results for Arto's new track idea and turn it into monthly tournaments(4 or 5 races).
Posted: 29 Sep 2008, 10:52
I suggested a tournament/Cup on the Re-Volt Forum, but no one replied.
I dont hope that means no one want to race anymore

Posted: 30 Sep 2008, 01:23
Well Pin jnr is up for some racing cups. I will let him continue the family name.
I guess if enough people keep on about it somthing will happen
Pin (old git pin)