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Posted: 22 Sep 2008, 08:11
As many of the people here, didn't remember me as a converter. For some reason it hurt pretty bad, no im not being a cry baby about it, it's the lack of conversion here also. Adamodell is a great converter ( so no one put him down ok) People you can think of me as a crap converter, I really dont care, people who usually say that don't convert them self.

Also to note, I got battered in the I asked for small things.. like my member title, yeah manmoutain your not funny, it was a lame joke and you know it.. Parrot Trainer, hahahaha OMG! so funny because I converted cars with Polys.. your a funny one man! Seriously though bad move! 20 dollars he'll now ban me from this forum. At least I know how to use a 3D program I'm way younger than you.. sad.
Sorry for sounding harsh, but it's the way I feel at the moment.
So, anyone want me back or not? Don't think so, why am I even bothering.

Posted: 22 Sep 2008, 08:15
robenue @ Sep 22 2008, 03:41 AM wrote: Hi,
As many of the people here, didn't remember me as a converter. For some reason it hurt pretty bad, no im not being a cry baby about it, it's the lack of conversion here also. Adamodell is a great converter ( so no one put him down ok) People you can think of me as a crap converter, I really dont care, people who usually say that don't convert them self.

So what do you want me to do?
I think you overreacted a bit... and you shoulda made it a poll, although you can't here.
I will always be by your side, dude. You're converter number 2 to me. You were my competition once upon a time, and I liked that. People did remember you, I'll make a bet. The thing is, you haven't tried to be friends with anyone. I feel you are somewhat detached with the community, and you're all alone, an outsider of sorts. But I don't care. I know you enough that you only have good intentions.
Of freaking course I want you back. I hope others feel the same.
P.S. I didn't say you had to convert cars. That's not the point. You can hit 'em hard with a good repaint too.
Posted: 22 Sep 2008, 08:18
errr tried to be friend, uhh yes I did, I did simple request for people, look at my previous comments on my cars. R6_Turbo wanted quite a few cars repainted, modified etc I made them for him, because no one listened,.. of course I'm polite.
Posted: 23 Sep 2008, 04:38
robenue @ Sep 22 2008, 03:48 AM wrote: errr tried to be friend, uhh yes I did, I did simple request for people, look at my previous comments on my cars. R6_Turbo wanted quite a few cars repainted, modified etc I made them for him, because no one listened,.. of course I'm polite.
Well, if I were you, I'd be off.
Go to another community that is a tad more active.
Because it seems that no one really cares.
My current attitude allows me to do my job, because I don't worry about the people, but rather, myself. I make the cars for myself, I design my site for myself... I have over 600 posts of myself in a nutshell for cryin out loud.
*que the dude that thinks he's being nice for replying ONLY AFTER I complain*
No but seriously, that will happen lol.
Posted: 23 Sep 2008, 05:01
im not really into custom car. but u can repaint a toyeca for me

and make it "cheetah-licious". i'll just put it on the toyeca car so i can see the re-paint
Posted: 23 Sep 2008, 05:09
jaseaka @ Sep 23 2008, 12:31 AM wrote: im not really into custom car. but u can repaint a toyeca for me

and make it "cheetah-licious". i'll just put it on the toyeca car so i can see the re-paint
Told you so.
Well, Robenue, this shall be my last post in this thread, I only feel like discussing this live cuz I'm seriously whoring the posts right now.
All I can really say about how I feel is that even though not that many care, those that do
care more than you think.
Posted: 23 Sep 2008, 07:23
Other people I know, should be posting here.
Posted: 24 Sep 2008, 03:34
Adamodell @ Sep 23 2008, 12:39 AM wrote:
All I can really say about how I feel is that even though not that many care, those that do care more than you think.
robenue, please keep on converting or doing something.
i know your a converter, and a good one too. come on. stay.
Posted: 24 Sep 2008, 07:30
Thanks man, but still not enough people! >< makes me sick!
Thanks for your vote.
Posted: 25 Sep 2008, 00:45
rob, you decide you are a converter or not.
if you like converting, do it. if people like your work that means you are good, if they dont, that means you have to learn more. titles like converter or track maker mean nothing.
Posted: 25 Sep 2008, 06:48
Yes, Human..
but being pushed around by people who dont even do these things by them selfs, shouldn't be able to have a say on your car is crap, your track is crap etc. People really need to realize people do work hard, no matter how shitty it looks. Since im leaving completely (not making ANYTHING), small chance i might be back.. (if adam and zipper can change my mind ) I leave one message!
Good Day Re-Volt..
I'll will be back in summer..
Re-volt is a Summer game ( for me ) O.O
Posted: 25 Sep 2008, 11:30
Sorry for not replying yet, but i was stopped because of the stupid "Flood control"
Please stay! In 2009 it is Re-Volt's 10 years birthday! And i don't want you to miss that.
And please stay & convert, because you are a great converter, even though I don't download cars much generally. But all creators should stay, for that is the only way we can keep the Re-Volt Online & Offline players keep playing this cool game.

Posted: 25 Sep 2008, 11:34
YES you should return to doing conversions.
Posted: 25 Sep 2008, 12:24
I have been taught lots in the last 9 years of editing for this game and the fact is this..
You can shout and rant all you like ( I myself had a hissy fit on my last track release because of ratings) but if like me, you love this little game and you have made friends in the chat rooms and on the forums, you'll be back doing what you do. If you don't come back then it wont be much of a loss to the community as we could be doing without the negative stuff on forum.
In other words... chill out dude and do this stuff because you like to do it and not for the benefit of others.
Cheers guys it's nice to be back with you all.
Posted: 25 Sep 2008, 15:04
Skitch2 @ Sep 25 2008, 07:54 AM wrote: I have been taught lots in the last 9 years of editing for this game and the fact is this..
You can shout and rant all you like ( I myself had a hissy fit on my last track release because of ratings) but if like me, you love this little game and you have made friends in the chat rooms and on the forums, you'll be back doing what you do. If you don't come back then it wont be much of a loss to the community as we could be doing without the negative stuff on forum.
In other words... chill out dude and do this stuff because you like to do it and not for the benefit of others.
Cheers guys it's nice to be back with you all.
Exactly what im thinking, if you dont find it fun or satisfying you shouldnt do it
But yea you should do some more conversions IMO
Posted: 25 Sep 2008, 15:19
Thanks guys! that really helped a lot, I didn't know many people remembered me.. Ok, I'm coming back.. I'll just have to have a chat to some people and see what cars I should convert.
Posted: 25 Sep 2008, 18:15
You could be like me and only build stuff because you enjoy fiddling with it, even if nobody else cares. I mean, really, for
my real-life cars, about 95% of the effort was put into making them exceedingly realistic in handling, dimensions and performance. The rest was put into paint jobs. All anyone cares about when they check out my cars is, "does it look good"? Does anyone care about how it handles or how realistic it is? Does anyone care that it has a finely tuned suspension? No, they just complain, "its too slow..." I'm quite certain the only person who even remotely cares about their statistics is me.
Bottom line, I just make my cars for me, and I enjoy them that way.* I like tweaking their stats to get everything just right and test driving them until I feel satisfied with the car. And I make them available for other people if anyone cares to enjoy them like I do, but most people choose not to.
Thus, as was stated before, if you like making stuff, then make stuff. If you don't like making stuff, then don't make stuff. If you're only trying to make stuff because you're desperate for attention and acceptance, then get off the computer and do something to make some real friends instead.

The internet is a horrible, horrible place to satisfy social needs.
At least, I used to enjoy them until my brother ran off with the controller that I was using, and I'm too cheap to buy another one.
Posted: 26 Sep 2008, 01:56
My "Dois reais" worth opinion...
I sincerely don't care for conversions,not even a bit,not a tad bit...
Your posts sounded to me as "A desperate call for attention"
I don't know why people even replied,to begin with...
I'm 100% with Aeon
Do your cars for your own pleasure,or for the felling that you are helping the community,not for the jackasses
That's what I believe,you can choose to believe something else,but I must warn you,it's very unhealthy...
Heads Up and onward,I think you are kind of young,am I correct?
Big "Abraços" to you all
Posted: 26 Sep 2008, 02:40
Aylown @ Sep 25 2008, 09:26 PM wrote: My "Dois reais" worth opinion...
I sincerely don't care for conversions,not even a bit,not a tad bit...
Very few online racers do. I love stereotypes!
Aylown @ Sep 25 2008, 09:26 PM wrote: Heads Up and onward,I think you are kind of young,am I correct?
Age has nothing to do with anything. Yes, he is young. He is only 16 years old, same age as me. The same age most of you were when you found Re-Volt.
...oh wait, I wasn't supposed to reply!
But, to end on a good note, I do believe in the (dare I say) "Aeon School of Thought".
Don't care what others think, do it for yourself. Robenue, I know you love people caring and paying attention to you, but you need to drop that. Yes, I will admit I have resorted to the same ill-fated manners at times, but I still stick by that belief. Call me a hypocrite, I don't care.
And Robenue, I can relate to your feelings. People really don't care any more, so you must care for yourself rather than have others care for you. You will be torn to shreds by the slug's pace this community is going in.
Posted: 26 Sep 2008, 04:15
robenue @ Sep 21 2008, 09:41 PM wrote: At least I know how to use a 3D program I'm way younger than you.. sad.
that's like someone who studied and learn Swahili belittling another guy for not being able to speak swahili...
maybe it wasn't in his interest to learn 3d-modeling...
Posted: 26 Sep 2008, 07:43
You know what forget it.
im gone.
I'm well known in other places on the web.. At least the Midtown Madness Comunity doesnt suck hard like this one.. of course i convert for myself.. the topic was a simple question. I didn't ask for what was happening with you really. Thats my last message.. I only come back to see what cars are being made.. well.. I can say. MOH is really good at his originals..
Sorry i feel that coming here was a big mistake..
thanks to the people that were very kind, and ignore all the thugs that are on here atm.. that complain about your work.. just leave other people alone.. Really shame on all the people who can't keep there traps shut
Like the saying goes : "" If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all"
Please remember that.
Again thanks to; Zipperrulzz,Adamodell,Jase,Hil,Crone,Skitch2,Burnrubr, can't forget CAT.. - You guys are the best, Hope to see you on the internet somewhere else.
also, Im always on my website, drop by now and then..
Posted: 26 Sep 2008, 07:51
robenue @ Sep 26 2008, 03:13 AM wrote: I DIDNT DO THIS FOR ATTENTION!!!
You know what forget..
im gone.
We know you didn't do this for attention.
Posted: 26 Sep 2008, 07:58
No, not everyone did.
Posted: 26 Sep 2008, 08:11
Hey Kuma, currently i'm working on NFS4 cars so, if you want anything to convert, anyday go to NFSCars and see (wait for some days cuz my cars are waiting for approval). Also, with time and effort you can try this: convert Gran Turismo 2.
Posted: 26 Sep 2008, 08:13
NFS4, wow very good! Yeah, I think i will, I currently have a good car in mind. and Im going to work it, ignoring every negative comment! =D
I hope everyone likes it.
Posted: 26 Sep 2008, 08:21
oh Aeon, one thing.. I HAVE FRIENDS!!!! just so you know.
I've never done anything do you .. stop harrasing and water off! ><"
Posted: 26 Sep 2008, 08:31
robenue @ Sep 26 2008, 03:51 AM wrote: oh Aeon, one thing.. I HAVE FRIENDS!!!! just so you know.
I've never done anything do you .. stop harrasing and water off! ><"
water lol...
Don't hate on Aeon.
Posted: 26 Sep 2008, 16:04
You lot are odd!
16! I had left home had a place of my own and thinking of getting married(mistake) at that age not scrapping in a forum lol.
If your going robenue, just go and stop replying to messages that keep this thread going on and on and on and on an..d on...a...n..d. on...... and be off with you to things you like doing.
Pop back and say hi once in a while, people like to hear from members who once had a good creative input in to the game.
Posted: 27 Sep 2008, 02:52
Adamodell @ Sep 26 2008, 03:21 AM wrote:robenue @ Sep 26 2008, 03:13 AM wrote: I DIDNT DO THIS FOR ATTENTION!!!
You know what forget..
im gone.
We know you didn't do this for attention.
Yeah , right!!
That's exactly what he created this thread for and nothing more.
He already knows that everybody want's to see more conversions, whether it be by him or someone else.
If he want's to make more he will, there is no salary here, and you don't build up discount points with each creation offered.
Do it... don't do it, make a choice, it's that simple, no one will think any less or any more of you either way.
We are here because we want to be.
Don't get me wrong, I ain't dissing you rob, but "
Do You Like Me" threads are quite obvious in there origin.
Posted: 27 Sep 2008, 04:15
I don't feel welcome.. thats my point.
and I don't want attention, why the [F] "Can't swear here" do you think i would do that??? you guys acting like 5 year olds. I just can't have a say here at all?? I Really can't pathetic, this place is pathetic. Get your act together guys! MM, i know you have something agaist me, no Idea what.. it's mainly you and few other people.. I asked simple question and you guys study like it's an exam.. ahahha, get real people!
Posted: 27 Sep 2008, 04:18
robenue @ Sep 26 2008, 11:45 PM wrote: I don't feel welcome.. thats my point.
Then just leave man!
No one is keeping you tied up.
I'm gonna convert a car and dedicate it to you, now.
They are the ones at a loss, not me. I'm always chatting with you anyway.
Posted: 27 Sep 2008, 04:21
Man you rule, out of the rest they're a bunch of retards really. Shame on the rest.. not all excluding the ones I mentioned above.
Posted: 27 Sep 2008, 04:39
robenue @ Sep 26 2008, 02:45 PM wrote: you guys acting like 5 year olds.
I only see one person throwing tantrums.
Its not like people are rejecting you, but you're making yourself look ridiculous right now.
Posted: 27 Sep 2008, 05:48
Aeon @ Sep 27 2008, 12:09 AM wrote: robenue @ Sep 26 2008, 02:45 PM wrote: you guys acting like 5 year olds.
I only see one person throwing tantrums.
Its not like people are rejecting you, but you're making yourself look ridiculous right now.
Yeah, I sorta see what you're getting at.
And Robenue, please don't reply to this thread again, actually, drop it.
Manmountain, it would be best for you to lock this, I don't want further hate going on here (regardless of who started it).
Robenue, you are making yourself look ridiculous, I hate to say. Your intentions are good, but that isn't going to help how you appear to others. And will you please stop acting like I'm God? I'm not!
Please... give up. It'll be the best thing for all of us. This is all my fault, I shouldn't of ever told you to come back to the community.
Posted: 27 Sep 2008, 05:52
robenue @ Sep 26 2008, 11:45 PM wrote:I don't feel welcome.. thats my point.
and I don't want attention, why the [F] "Can't swear here" do you think i would do that??? you guys acting like 5 year olds. I just can't have a say here at all?? I Really can't pathetic, this place is pathetic. Get your act together guys! MM, i know you have something agaist me, no Idea what.. it's mainly you and few other people.. I asked simple question and you guys study like it's an exam.. ahahha, get real people!
What the hell are you on dude ? do you read what you type ?
Something sure is amiss with you, maybe you need to talk to someone ?
I have something against you ?? what exactly ? when have I ever said something direct to you ?
You have certainly got the groups attention, not sure it's the kind of attention you were looking for.

Posted: 27 Sep 2008, 05:53
Manmountain @ Sep 27 2008, 01:22 AM wrote: robenue @ Sep 26 2008, 11:45 PM wrote:I don't feel welcome.. thats my point.
and I don't want attention, why the [F] "Can't swear here" do you think i would do that??? you guys acting like 5 year olds. I just can't have a say here at all?? I Really can't pathetic, this place is pathetic. Get your act together guys! MM, i know you have something agaist me, no Idea what.. it's mainly you and few other people.. I asked simple question and you guys study like it's an exam.. ahahha, get real people!
What the hell are you on dude ? do you read what you type ?
Something sure is amiss with you, maybe you need to talk to someone ?
I have something against you ?? what exactly ? when have I ever said something direct to you ?
You have certainly got the groups attention, not sure it's the kind of attention you were looking for.
There's a huge misunderstanding here, that's all I can say.
Posted: 27 Sep 2008, 06:06
Adamodell @ Sep 27 2008, 01:23 AM wrote:Manmountain @ Sep 27 2008, 01:22 AM wrote: robenue @ Sep 26 2008, 11:45 PM wrote:I don't feel welcome.. thats my point.
and I don't want attention, why the [F] "Can't swear here" do you think i would do that??? you guys acting like 5 year olds. I just can't have a say here at all?? I Really can't pathetic, this place is pathetic. Get your act together guys! MM, i know you have something agaist me, no Idea what.. it's mainly you and few other people.. I asked simple question and you guys study like it's an exam.. ahahha, get real people!
What the hell are you on dude ? do you read what you type ?
Something sure is amiss with you, maybe you need to talk to someone ?
I have something against you ?? what exactly ? when have I ever said something direct to you ?
You have certainly got the groups attention, not sure it's the kind of attention you were looking for.
There's a huge misunderstanding here, that's all I can say.
I have not misunderstood anything, yet!
And I'm sure you'll have loads more to say on the matter, after all, you are one of Aeon's Troll feeder's.

Posted: 27 Sep 2008, 06:10
Manmountain @ Sep 27 2008, 01:36 AM wrote: Adamodell @ Sep 27 2008, 01:23 AM wrote:Manmountain @ Sep 27 2008, 01:22 AM wrote:
What the hell are you on dude ? do you read what you type ?
Something sure is amiss with you, maybe you need to talk to someone ?
I have something against you ?? what exactly ? when have I ever said something direct to you ?
You have certainly got the groups attention, not sure it's the kind of attention you were looking for.
There's a huge misunderstanding here, that's all I can say.
I have not misunderstood anything, yet!
And I'm sure you'll have loads more to say on the matter, after all, you are one of Aeon's Troll feeder's.
I wasn't implying that you were the one misunderstanding.
And, I'm a troll feeder?
Yeah, I have too much to say, but I'll hold off, 'tis postwhoring after all.
Posted: 27 Sep 2008, 06:25
Adamodell @ Sep 27 2008, Personal Message wrote:Robenue apparently thinks that you've done him wrong in some way, but I really don't know how. I am friends with him, more-so than nearly 90% of the community here. But what he has said as of late is almost borderline mental.
All I can say is don't make any crazy moves, ignore him I guess... or try to get to the bottom of this. Please don't ban him, unless you really think he is asking for it... he really hates the community right now, I get the blunt of it on MSN. I hope he's in a better mood when he gets back from a convention for anime and video games that he went to...
Just so you know, I have nothing against you, like him. I try to tell him that you aren't "all that bad" but he just refuses to believe me.
And, this is all my fault. I wanted him back in the community, and he eventually accepted... but he wanted people to... I guess you could say, want them to confirm that they wanted him back. I seen the error in this but he did so anyway.
I don't think that he just wanted attention (although it could be part of it), but rather, the gratification of knowing people cared. I learned the hard way, that simply no one cares. One should never do that in this community, it'll just make you angry..
WHAT THE .....!!
What are you and rob up to Adam ?
I would sure like to know who this 90% of the community is against rob and why ?
I am getting the feeling that teenagers today are abusing the internet to get rid of some of that teenage rebelious angst.
I am Forum Administrator and use my personal judgement (maybe not the majority view), to keep this forum in line and on track with it's intentional theme.
If you kid's are taking my actions as personal attack's, then sorry, but life in the big world is like that. No matter where you think you are in the chain, there is always someone higher up restricting your individual freedom one way or another.
Posted: 27 Sep 2008, 06:31
Manmountain @ Sep 27 2008, 01:55 AM wrote: Adamodell @ Sep 27 2008, Personal Message wrote:Robenue apparently thinks that you've done him wrong in some way, but I really don't know how. I am friends with him, more-so than nearly 90% of the community here. But what he has said as of late is almost borderline mental.
All I can say is don't make any crazy moves, ignore him I guess... or try to get to the bottom of this. Please don't ban him, unless you really think he is asking for it... he really hates the community right now, I get the blunt of it on MSN. I hope he's in a better mood when he gets back from a convention for anime and video games that he went to...
Just so you know, I have nothing against you, like him. I try to tell him that you aren't "all that bad" but he just refuses to believe me.
And, this is all my fault. I wanted him back in the community, and he eventually accepted... but he wanted people to... I guess you could say, want them to confirm that they wanted him back. I seen the error in this but he did so anyway.
I don't think that he just wanted attention (although it could be part of it), but rather, the gratification of knowing people cared. I learned the hard way, that simply no one cares. One should never do that in this community, it'll just make you angry..
WHAT THE .....!!
What are you and rob up to Adam ?
I would sure like to know who this 90% of the community is against rob and why ?
I am getting the feeling that teenagers today are abusing the internet to get rid of some of that teenage rebelious angst.
I am Forum Administrator and use my personal judgement (maybe not the majority view), to keep this forum in line and on track with it's intentional theme.
If you kid's are taking my actions as personal attack's, then sorry, but life in the big world is like that. No matter where you think you are in the chain, there is always someone higher up restricting your individual freedom one way or another.
I meant that I was friends with him, not the other way around.
And am I really that angsty?
Posted: 27 Sep 2008, 06:37
Adamodell @ Sep 27 2008, 02:01 AM wrote: I meant that I was friends with him, not the other way around.
What other way around are you perceiving ?
Friends ? more like collaborators.
Posted: 27 Sep 2008, 06:43
Manmountain @ Sep 27 2008, 02:07 AM wrote: Adamodell @ Sep 27 2008, 02:01 AM wrote: I meant that I was friends with him, not the other way around.
What other way around are you perceiving ?
Friends ? more like collaborators.
You thought I said that I was talking about how the rest of the community hated him, that isn't what I meant. Let's not play favorites today...
I suppose we aren't friends I guess. I can't support him in the slightest without being accused. Look, I agree he went about this the wrong way, made himself look like an idiot in the process, and so much more. Just like, forget this even happened.
Posted: 27 Sep 2008, 06:56
Are his friend.... aren't his friend, support him... depose him.
If he wishes to create more conversions for ReVolt, then that is his own decision, and if he does then his creations will receive both positive and negative feedback as has all other creations that have ever been submitted.
Whether your his friend, supporter or groupie makes no difference.
The threads original question 'Who Wants Me Back Converting?'
Yes, I do.
Only because I wish to see more submissions, not because I have any personal feeling's for the guy, as simple as!
Posted: 27 Sep 2008, 07:00
Manmountain @ Sep 27 2008, 02:26 AM wrote: Are his friend.... aren't his friend, support him... depose him.
If he wishes to create more conversions for ReVolt, then that is his own decision, and if he does then his creations will receive both positive and negative feedback as has all other creations that have ever been submitted.
Whether your his friend, supporter or groupie makes no difference.
The threads original question 'Who Wants Me Back Converting?'
Yes, I do.
Only because I wish to see more submissions, not because I have any personal feeling's for the guy, as simple as!
OK, I will simply say it this way. I AM HIS FRIEND AND THAT SHALL ALWAYS BE SO.
Thank you for your answer, now, let's stay on topic. Ewww... groupie... ewww....
Posted: 27 Sep 2008, 07:09
Adamodell @ Sep 27 2008, 02:30 AM wrote:Thank you for your answer, now, let's stay on topic. Ewww... groupie... ewww....
Me stay on Topic, that's rich!

Posted: 27 Sep 2008, 08:11
Manmountain @ Sep 27 2008, 02:39 AM wrote: Adamodell @ Sep 27 2008, 02:30 AM wrote:Thank you for your answer, now, let's stay on topic. Ewww... groupie... ewww....
Me stay on Topic, that's rich!
Isn't really much more for me to say.
I meant EVERYONE stay on topic now, not just you. lol
Posted: 27 Sep 2008, 13:51
Who are you to call me a retard you jumped up swear word!
You wouldn't call me that if you were face to face with me that i can tell ya.
MM Cant you just remove this thread and get rid of him?
Posted: 27 Sep 2008, 14:52
No skitch! you're not.. I mentioned you as one of the nice guys! Dont freak out on me! I didn't want attention, I didnt want everyone to get angry at me it was a simple question, i wasnt sure if should come back or not.. Sorry adam, I have to prove my point.. MM yes you have done a bit.. not much.. but still you can't even do simple requests either. Get rid of me??? ok fine do so. I don't have a reason to stay, it blows here

.. I'm happy at my new community.. much better, friendly people.. more active and a better game engine..
on the other hand, adam kept telling me not to view or respond to this thread... Now I wish, I never came here in the first place.. Also, maybe there should be a " Don't have your say" rule.. don't you think..
Remove me
Remove my username
Remove my submission
Do what you want, I can feel i'm not welcome.. Adam can see that also, even ask zipperrulz.. it's true, a fact.. just face it people.. I was never liked by anyone else who never spoke to me.
Also Aeon, I'm not acting like a child.. I'm asking a simple question, I didn't expect people to cry so bad over this.. people really just don't like people having a say do they??? Also I don't hate you Aeon, you can hate me it's fine, it's not going to have much of an effect anyway.
Again thanks for the people that treated me with respect... I thankyou.. and you do know who you're.
Thank You
Posted: 27 Sep 2008, 15:04
Is it just me,or is here a melodramatic wave?
I make tracks cause i want to,not cause of other people.
For you,it's the other way around?
Every person should just do what they can,and enjoy,without other people telling them like "Why is this in there,and why that,a...n...d...,...w...h...y......t...h...i...s...?"
You are right and you're wrong.
I did the same mistake this summer,now i take some of other people's advice and build a nice neet little track,successfully.
You should do this too...
And if there are ANY people bugging and mugging you for a month now,then just ignore them.
I say,carry on converting.
Posted: 27 Sep 2008, 15:07
Thank you nero, I think I might...
you know what, you're damn correct! I really shouldn't take anyone seriously.. Then again.. it can take affect you know, you work hard.. and someone or many other people this is crap etc.... but yeah... I shouldnt take offence..
thanks nero!